Lauren Rey Lauren Rey

Managing Authors’ Expectations

Don’t writers require a little grandiosity to attempt the arduous task of writing a book? Is there a writer out there purposely intending to produce a crappy novel? I’m guessing we all start out believing we can write a bestseller.

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Lauren Rey Lauren Rey

How i whipped my writing routine into shape: my time with a Dominatrix and what she taught me about being my own boss

If I wanted to be a prolific writer, it was solely up to me to make it happen. I had to design a routine for success and stick to it. I always knew I needed to do more, but my softer side kept winning the argument. With my dominatrix now running the show, my softer side hung in the corner, knowing she could only come out when work was complete.

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Lauren Rey Lauren Rey

Writers Who Hate To Write

“For writers, the question isn’t ‘How do I stay committed when I’m in love with my work?’ The question is, ‘How do I stay committed when I temporarily hate it?’ An experienced writer is somebody who knows when the hatred is temporary.” - David Purcell

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Lauren Rey Lauren Rey

Helping Mothers Write Their Books

Are you a mom interested in writing but don’t believe you have the time to do it? Read on to learn more about how to get started on your writing journey.

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Lauren Rey Lauren Rey

Romance Novels Are Good for you Despite their Bad Rap

Dr. Katrina Fong states, “It may be that the emotional experiences evoked by romance novels lead to rumination on past relationship experiences, perhaps encouraging readers to puzzle out the complexities of their own past romantic relationships. This thoughtful introspection might then be usefully applied to new social situations.”

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