What They Don’t Tell You About Submitting a Manuscript
No one prepares you for the emotional roller coaster that follows submitting a manuscript…
Twelve books for writers: A holiday Gift book Guide
Twelve books for writers, a holiday gift book guide for the writer in your life.
Thanksgiving: Writer’s Food for Thought
Do the holidays have you stressed? Think of Thanksgiving as your unofficial writer’s workshop…
Commit to your 'why'
What is your 'why' for writing? Understanding your 'why' deeply will help fortify you against the challenges accompanying the long writing journey...
What My Concussion Taught Me About Writing
Make peace with wherever you are in your writing process because there is beauty in it all. Sure, there’s plenty of crappy parts, too, but that’s the balance. The problematic parts make us appreciate the fun parts, and the fun parts give us hope that the problematic parts won’t last. The “now” is all there is, so do your best to embrace it.
Set Yourself Up for Success this Fall with a Writing Routine that Works for You
Now that summer is coming to an end, it's time to start developing an effective writing routine this fall...
The PitFalls of Expert Advice
New writers seeking advice and guidance, often place too much authority in the advice of experts. Read on to learn about the pitfalls of expert advice…